Forget Viagra, This Is Best Natural Formula To Boost Sexual Performance

Watermelon leom Juice. Image from :
Do you have problem in sex performance? Do you feel you are slowing down in it? Many people with that problem find medicine like viagra, the most popular one. But now, here we go, there is natural way to boost sexual performance. It's easy to make at home, yes it's home made.

All you need are two ingredients if you want to a make your home made Viagra. For information, these powerful ingredients are actually extremely potent aphrodisiacs, they can boost your libido naturally. Natural is good.

What many people has known that viagra is strong pill for men, that is utilized to boost sexual performance and function. You really don't need that after you know about this homemade brilliant formula.

Here are The Ingredients :
  • Lemon
  • Watermelon

The ingredients are simple and easy to get everywhere. 

Lycopene and Citrulline are some nutrients with aphrodisiac properties consisted in watermelon. All you need juast these two ingredients, please don't add anything such as spices, salt and sugar because they will lower the power of these two ingredients, they will ruin the formula.

How to make it? Obtain about one liter watermelon juice by juicing pieces of watermelon. You should also juice the white stuff inside the shell, but not be wasted because it is very rich in concentrated citrulline.
Place the juice into a bigger pot and then let it boil for a several minute and afterwards squeeze the juice from the lemon and put it into the pot. Stir well and boil the mixture until it evaporate and reduce to about half.

Let it cool down for 60 minutes, then fill it into a bottle and store it in the fridge. You should consume between 2 tablespoon and 1/3 of the cup from the drink, early in the morning on an empty stomach and before dinner. It actually depends on the body size and weight. 

This is the natural way to boost your sexual performance and can be consumed by people of both genders and all ages, adult of course. 

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